Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Musings from Room 1123

Since we've been here we have been quite busy.  First, with our Katrina tour and more recently, our work days.  On Tuesday we went to FiFi Island and planted cord grass.  It was very messy and most of us got sunburned.  Tuesday evening we went on the dinner cruise.

Makayla, Mary, Norah


SEE Team said...

Room 1123
GREAT JOB gals! So proud of all you are doing and so proud that you are back in New Orleans helping out! Hoping this year is as much fun or more than last.

Wish I could be with you all this year!
Mrs. Roth

D Weber said...

Sorry to hear about the sunburn, not enough sunblock? Hope you are all having a good time and not having any injuries(like last year). We will see you in a few days, so have fun and work hard.

Dan Weber