Friday, June 6, 2008

Back Home!

Students -

I just want to thank you for being so awesome on the trip. You all worked hard and understood the importance of what you were doing. All of the chaperones were super proud, and I know your family is as well.

Remember what was said while we were finished working each day? The biggest thing you can do now that you are home is to tell other people about your work and the work that still needs to be done in Louisiana and the Gulf Coast. A small group from Chicago can make a difference!

Enjoy the rest of your summers!

-Ms. Waldock


JohnCain said...

Thank you, teachers, for creating an experience, and lessons, that our kids will remember for a lifetime. Upon arrival at O'Hare, my first question to Em was: would you go back? Without hesitation her reply was "yes! we had a blast!"

-John Cain

Emily C. said...

Yes.... thank you teachers all so much. Without you this trip wouldn't be possible. I enjoyed the trip so much and I would go back without question. Have a great summer!

-Emily C.

Jacci A said...

Although it Saturday and Carly is STILL tired, she said she would go back again next year! Thanks for the great memories! You've left an impression she will never forget! I also love the coffee and beignets! Jacci A.